Diploma Writing Tips

How to make footnotes in the course and diploma works step by step instructions

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The writing of the thesis

During the transition to the last year of high school , in front of all the students raises the need for writing the thesis , which is a kind of literacy, qualifications and professional achievements of graduates, the result of his labors during the whole period of study. About the process of writing a diploma about how to facilitate this process and to organize the work and will be discussed further.

As a rule, bona fide students while studying another 3-4 year of College, formed a certain interest in a particular science and a particular field of scientific knowledge. Usually these disciplines are studied easily, it is possible to say “in one breath”, the test subject is not difficult, and often does the exam on this subject seems to “automatic”. If you have such a thing, and you qualify conscientious and hardworking students, the thesis, and will not cause any difficulties, and maybe even this kind of scientific work a pleasure. But as you know, most students refers to the opposite category of people, so the following recommendations, most of them.

The order of writing the thesis

To start writing a diploma with the choice of topic and supervisor . To start, take the Department a list of topics and read it carefully. It is recommended to choose at the initial stage, some topics that are of interest to you. And then, try your own research literature, journalism, monographs and additional information on selected topics. At this stage, as a rule, part of the topics eliminated because of poor knowledge of the topic and as a consequence a small number of sources for the writing of the diploma . Of course, if you have a high interest in this topic, then you can try to do her study and try to write a diploma. But do not forget that this work will have to exert more effort and effort. Perhaps even the Commission on defense will appreciate the uniqueness and rarity of your chosen topic.

Next, the scheduled topics should be addressed to the teacher, whom you have chosen as a supervisor. He is like no one else will be able to advise the choice of the theme, to talk about the challenges that can occur when the study and disclosure, as well as answer any questions. By the way, the ideal option will be the choice of the teacher with whom you have during the period of study has developed friendly relations and which is easy to make contact. To such a teacher, you can ask for help anytime and not only in the hours of consultation. Once decided on the theme selection, you need not forget about the little technical question, namely on the registration of the topic of the diploma in laboratory assistant.

Next, you need to compile and coordinate with the teacher the plan of the diploma . It will be the basis of your work and will bring clarity and order.

Requirements for writing a thesis

It should not be forgotten that the design of the diplomas must meet strict requirements of GOST. Taking into account state standards, departments of universities developed guidelines for writing dissertations. Exactly and they need to be taken in the Department, in the library or downloaded from the website of the institution. Before you start to write a diploma it is necessary to study all the requirements. The font, spacing, decoration of the title page , bibliography , footnotes , volume requirements – it is better to take into account already from the first pages of the work.

Rules (methods) the writing of the thesis

Now you should go to the selection of literature. Most likely, the head will advise you of authors, scientists, whose works are on your topic fundamental and from which we should start. Nowadays most of the necessary literature you can find on the Internet in electronic form. This saves a lot of time. For you specially prepared article ” How to find sources for a course (diploma) work “. Further, when you have chosen the desired source, you can move on to writing the diploma in accordance with the plan.

Introduction the diploma is a very important part of the work, as it specifies and explains the reason for the relevance of the chosen topic and identify the main issues that will be addressed in the thesis. Feel free to use quotes of scholars, theorists, and modern scientists. Initially, it will give brightness to your work and define the “dryness” of scientific language. And most teachers like when a student does not limit itself to the simple presentation of the material.

Quotes from scientific periodicals and monographs will be needed in the main part of the diploma. It is desirable to use the most recent scientific articles. By the way, depending on your specialty and topics of the diploma, may require the use of normative-legal acts. If You refer to any law or regulation, do not be lazy to check not there had been any changes and whether existing at the time of writing this document revision. This can help widespread electronic legal system “Consultant Plus” and “Garant”. You can also see professional journalism and gather useful information for the diploma for future lawyers , accountants , financiers and managers.

The important part is the practical side of the diploma , the examples from practice. So priceless material for your graduation paper will be the incorporation of statistical data or even results of Your conducted small-scale studies (e.g., survey, public opinion survey). Often for inclusion in the diploma used the materials collected during the internship . Before using such data, you must obtain permission of the head of the company, institution or body where you practiced.

In writing the main part, the so-called “body diploma”, it is necessary to reveal all the points of the plan, to provide answers to all questions, to Express different points of view of scientists on the issues raised in the diploma. Definitely need to closely link theory with practice and history with modernity. In the final part of the diploma summarize the work done, briefly review the conclusions from the main part, but also necessary based on the studied problems and findings to make suggestions on the designated issues by decision any urgent questions, for example, to improve the regulatory framework.

After writing, diploma seems to check supervisor . Sometimes, teachers are asked to hand over the diploma of the parts, that is, after writing each Chapter. Scan will take some time, be ready for modifications, additions, various corrections in the text. Once you have corrected all of the head bugs, the final version seems to check, approved by the head of Department and allowed to the protection. In some universities a thesis check for plagiarism . Also by the attached opinion of the Manager and the independent review of specialist practice, the writing of which must agree with him.

In conclusion, we should say that the process of writing diploma creative and takes little time. Therefore, I recommend not to delay the time until the last moment and start working on a degree at the beginning of the last course, by spreading the load in his writing and scheduling the time. To order thesis someone is also meaningless, because the fun is not cheap, but the quality of such works, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. It is well known that no one will do a better job than you do for himself. Patience you with a diploma and successful defense !
